Welcome to flexxros’s documentation!

Code and installation instructions are available at https://github.com/nilsbore/flexxros .

Flexxros aims to make it dead easy to create small web interfaces for ROS using only python.


Please see the individual modules for details on the library.


The following small example defines a program that includes both a webserver and a client. It enables publishing and subscribing to a topic from a remote web browser.

from flexx import flx, config
from flexxros import node
from flexxros.node import ROSNode, ROSWidget

class PublishSubscribeWidget(ROSWidget):

    def callback(self, msg):

    def _send_message(self, *events):
        self.publish("/test_topic", {"data": self.type_message.text})

    def init(self):
        with flx.FormLayout(flex=1, maxsize=400):
            self.type_message = flx.LineEdit(title="Message to send:", text="")
            self.send_message = flx.Button(text="Publish message")
            self.receive_message = flx.Label(title="Received message:", text="Waiting for message...")

        self.announce_publish("/test_topic", "std_msgs/String")
        self.subscribe("/test_topic", "std_msgs/String", self.callback)

class ExampleInterface(ROSNode):

    def init(self):
        self.main_widget = PublishSubscribeWidget()

config.hostname = "localhost"
config.port = 8097
node.init_and_spin("example_interface", ExampleInterface)

Indices and tables