Source code for flexxros.node

from flexx import flx
import rospy
from .external.rospy_message_converter.src.rospy_message_converter import message_converter
import asyncio
import threading
import tornado.platform.asyncio as torasync
from flexxros.internal import ROSPublisher, ROSSubscriber, ROSActionClient, ROSServiceClient, ROSDynReconfig

[docs]class ROSNode(flx.PyComponent): """ A PyComponent interface that the root node in the interface must always inherit from """ publishers = {} action_clients = {} reconfig_clients = [] subscribers = {} service_clients = {} @flx.action def subscribe(self, topic, topic_type): """ Subscribe to a topic :param topic: the ROS topic name :param topic_type: the ROS message type in form of string, e.g. 'std_msgs/Float32' """ if topic not in self.subscribers: try: self.subscribers[topic] = ROSSubscriber(self, topic, topic_type) except ImportError: print("Could not subscribe to", topic, ", as", topic_type, "not recognized as type") else: self.subscribers[topic].add_parent(self) @flx.action def announce_publish(self, topic, topic_type): """ Announce publisher, must be called before publish :param topic: the ROS topic name :param topic_type: the ROS message type in form of string, e.g. 'std_msgs/Float32' """ if topic in self.publishers: return try: self.publishers[topic] = ROSPublisher(topic, topic_type) except ImportError: print("Could not announce", topic, ", as", topic_type, "not recognized as type") @flx.action def announce_action_client(self, server_name, server_type): """ Announce ROS action client, must be called before publish :param server_name: the ROS action server name :param server_type: the ROS action server type in form of string, e.g. 'flexxros/Test' """ if server_name in self.action_clients: self.emit(server_name.replace("/", "_")+"_prototype", self.action_clients[server_name].goal_prototype) return try: self.action_clients[server_name] = ROSActionClient(server_name, server_type) self.emit(server_name.replace("/", "_")+"_prototype", self.action_clients[server_name].goal_prototype) except ImportError: print("Could not announce client", server_name, ", as", server_type, "not recognized as type") @flx.action def announce_reconfig(self, server_name): """ Experimental """ self.reconfig_clients.append(ROSDynReconfig(self, server_name)) @flx.action def set_config(self, server_name, config): """ Experimental """ self.reconfig_clients[server_name].client.update_configuration(config) @flx.action def publish(self, topic, data): """ Publish a message to a topic, must call announce_publish before this :param topic: the ROS topic name :param data: a dictionary version of message, e.g. {data: 0.32} """ try: pub = self.publishers[topic] except KeyError: print("Could not publish", topic, "as it is not announced, please call announce_publish before") return msg = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(pub.topic_type, data) @flx.action def call_service(self, server_name, server_type, req): """ Call a ROS service :param server_name: the ROS service name :param server_type: the ROS service type, e.g. std_srvs/SetBool :param req: a dictionary version of message, e.g. {data: 0.32} """ if server_name not in self.service_clients: try: self.service_clients[server_name] = ROSServiceClient(server_name, server_type) except ImportError: print("Could not get instance of", server_name, ", as", server_type, "not recognized as type") srv = self.service_clients[server_name] resp = srv.call_service(req) self.emit(server_name.replace("/", "_")+"_response", resp) @flx.action def send_action_goal(self, server_name, msg): """ Send a ROS action goal, need to call announce_action_client before :param server_name: the ROS action server name :param msg: a dictionary version of the action goal message, e.g. {data: 0.32} """ try: self.action_clients[server_name].send_goal(msg, self) except KeyError: print("Could not call", server_name, "as it is not announced, please call announce_action_client before")
[docs] def init(self): pass
[docs]class ROSWidget(flx.Widget): """ flx.Widget subclass that a widget can inherit from for easy access to ros functionality """ def init(self): pass @flx.action def announce_action_client(self, topic, topic_type): """ Announce ROS action client, must be called before publish :param topic: the ROS action client name :param topic_type: the ROS action server type in form of string, e.g. 'flexxros/Test' """ self.root.announce_action_client(topic, topic_type) @flx.action def call_service(self, server_name, server_type, req, cb): """ Call a ROS service :param server_name: the ROS service name :param server_type: the ROS service type, e.g. std_srvs/SetBool :param req: a dictionary version of message, e.g. {data: 0.32} :param cb: a callback handle, must be a method of a subclass of ROSWidget that takes result as arguments """ self.reaction(cb, "!root."+server_name.replace("/", "_")+"_response") self.root.call_service(server_name, server_type, req) @flx.action def send_action_goal(self, topic, goal, feedback_cb, done_cb): """ Send a ROS action goal, need to call announce_action_client before :param topic: the ROS action server name :param goal: a dictionary version of the action goal message, e.g. {data: 0.32} :param feedback_cb: a callback handle, must be a method of a subclass of ROSWidget that takes status, and feedback as arguments :param done_cb: a callback handle, must be a method of a subclass of ROSWidget that takes result as argument """ self.root.send_action_goal(topic, goal) self.reaction(feedback_cb, "!root."+topic.replace("/", "_")+"_feedback") self.reaction(done_cb, "!root."+topic.replace("/", "_")+"_done") @flx.action def announce_publish(self, topic, topic_type): """ Announce publisher, must be called before publish :param topic: the ROS topic name :param topic_type: the ROS message type in form of string, e.g. 'std_msgs/Float32' """ self.root.announce_publish(topic, topic_type) @flx.action def publish(self, topic, data): """ Publish a message to a topic, must call announce_publish before this :param topic: the ROS topic name :param data: a dictionary version of message, e.g. {data: 0.32} """ self.root.publish(topic, data) @flx.action def subscribe(self, topic, topic_type, cb): """ Subscribe to a topic :param topic: the ROS topic name :param topic_type: the ROS message type in form of string, e.g. 'std_msgs/Float32' :param cb: a callback handle, must be a method of a subclass of ROSWidget """ self.root.subscribe(topic, topic_type) self.reaction(cb, "!root."+topic.replace("/", "_"))
# Start server in its own thread
[docs]def start_flexx(): """ Used by init_and_spin to launch flexx """ flx.create_server(loop=asyncio.new_event_loop()) flx.start()
[docs]def spin(app_type): """ The main way of starting your flexxros app :param app_type: the root widget, must inherit from ROSNode """ asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(torasync.AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy()) # Create component in main thread app = flx.App(app_type) app.serve('') t = threading.Thread(target=start_flexx) t.start() rospy.spin() flx.stop() t.join()
[docs]def init_and_spin(node_name, app_type): """ The main way of starting your flexxros app :param node_name: the ROS node name :param app_type: the root widget, must inherit from ROSNode """ rospy.init_node(node_name, anonymous=True) spin(app_type)