
Methods for ray tracing through water layers with different sound speeds. See example below.

from auvlib.sonar_tracing import snell_ray_tracing
import numpy as np

# end points of rays in sensor's coordinate system
end_points = np.array([[ 3., -40.1],
                       [13., -40.1],
                       [23., -40.1],
                       [33., -40.1],
                       [43., -32.1],
                       [53., -22.1],
                       [63., -15.1],
                       [73., -22.1],
                       [83., -30.1],
                       [93., -40.1]])

# sound speeds in every layer
layer_speeds = np.array([0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3])
# depth of layers
layer_depths = np.array([-10., -20., -30.])

end_times, layer_widths = snell_ray_tracing.trace_multiple_layers(layer_depths, layer_speeds, end_points)

snell_ray_tracing.visualize_rays(end_points, layer_depths, layer_widths, -45., True, False)