
The script from pybathy_maps demonstrates how to use the BaseDraper class to drape sidescan onto a bathymetry mesh. You can use the script to visualize the save data.


import numpy as np
from auvlib.data_tools import std_data, xtf_data, xyz_data, csv_data
from auvlib.bathy_maps import mesh_map, base_draper, draw_map
import math
import sys
import os
import cv2
import argparse

def run_draping(args):

    mesh_res = args.mesh_res
    waterfall_bins = args.waterfall_bins
    sensor_offset = np.array(args.sensor_offset)
    sensor_yaw = args.sensor_yaw
    cloud =
    height_map, bounds = mesh_map.height_map_from_dtm_cloud(cloud, mesh_res)

    if os.path.exists("mesh.npz"): # use cached mesh if it exists
        data = np.load("mesh.npz")
        V, F, bounds = data['V'], data['F'], data['bounds']
        V, F, bounds = mesh_map.mesh_from_dtm_cloud(cloud, mesh_res)
        np.savez("mesh.npz", V=V, F=F, bounds=bounds)

    xtf_pings = xtf_data.xtf_sss_ping.read_data(args.xtf_file) # read sss
    xtf_pings = xtf_data.correct_sensor_offset(xtf_pings, sensor_offset)

    sound_speeds = csv_data.csv_asvp_sound_speed.parse_file(args.asvp_file)

    # initialize a draper object that will accept sidescan pings
    draper = base_draper.BaseDraper(V, F, bounds, sound_speeds)

    # images for displaying results
    meas_im = np.zeros((2000, 2*waterfall_bins))
    model_im = np.zeros((2000, 2*waterfall_bins))
    normals_im = np.zeros((2000, 2*waterfall_bins, 3))

    cv2.namedWindow('Model image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.namedWindow('Meas image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.namedWindow('Normal image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)

    cv2.resizeWindow('Model image', 256, 1000)
    cv2.resizeWindow('Meas image', 256, 1000)
    cv2.resizeWindow('Normal image', 256, 1000)

    # create a bathymetry height map for showing vehicle position
    d = draw_map.BathyMapImage(height_map, bounds)

    draping_results = [] # results list

    for i, ping in enumerate(xtf_pings):
        left, right = draper.project_ping(ping, waterfall_bins) # project
        draping_results.append((left, right)) # store result

        # the rest is basically just for visualizing the images
        model = np.concatenate([np.flip(left.time_bin_model_intensities), right.time_bin_model_intensities])
        normals = np.concatenate([np.flip(left.time_bin_normals, axis=0), right.time_bin_normals], axis=0)
        meas = np.concatenate([np.flip(base_draper.compute_bin_intensities(ping.port, waterfall_bins)),
                                       base_draper.compute_bin_intensities(ping.stbd, waterfall_bins)])
        meas_im[1:, :] = meas_im[:-1, :]
        meas_im[0, :] = meas
        model_im[1:, :] = model_im[:-1, :]
        model_im[0, :] = model
        normals_im[1:, :, :] = normals_im[:-1, :, :]
        if normals.shape[1] > 0:
            normals_im[0, :, :] = .5*(normals + 1.)
            normals_im[0, :, 2] = 0.
        if i % 10 == 0:
            d.draw_height_map(height_map) # draw the height map
            d.draw_blue_pose(ping.pos_, ping.heading_)
            cv2.imshow("Model image", model_im)
            cv2.imshow("Meas image", meas_im)
            cv2.imshow("Normal image", normals_im)

    base_draper.write_data(draping_results, args.output) # save results

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
    parser.add_argument('--mesh_res', action="store", dest="mesh_res", type=float, default=.5,
                        help='Resolution of produced mesh')
    parser.add_argument('--xyz', action="store", dest="xyz_file", type=str, default="",
                        help='XYZ bathymetry file')
    parser.add_argument('--asvp', action="store", dest="asvp_file", type=str, default="KTH_PI_SVP_20180807_1251_573365N_0115014E_004.asvp",
                        help='ASVP sound speed file')
    parser.add_argument('--xtf', action="store", dest="xtf_file", type=str, default="xtf_pings.cereal",
                        help='Pre-parsed .cereal file with xtf_pings')
    parser.add_argument('--bins', action="store", dest="waterfall_bins", type=int, default=256,
                        help='Number of time bins to use in waterfall image')
    parser.add_argument('--sensor_yaw', action="store", dest="sensor_yaw", type=float, default=5.*math.pi/180.,
                        help='Yaw of the physical sidescan wrt vehicle')
    parser.add_argument('--sensor_offset', nargs='+', dest="sensor_offset", type=float, default=[2., -1.5, 0.],
                        help='Offset of the physical sensor wrt vehicle')
    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', action="store", dest="output", type=str, default="draping_results.cereal",
                        help='Produce output file with ping_draping_result::ResultsT')
    args = parser.parse_args()


Functions for draping a mesh with sidescan data

class auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper

Class for draping the whole data set of sidescan pings onto a bathymetry mesh

project_ping(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper, arg0: auvlib.data_tools.std_data.sss_ping, arg1: int) → Tuple[auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result, auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result]

Project a ping onto the mesh and get intermediate draping results. Provide the desired downsampling of the ping as the second parameter

set_intensity_multiplier(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set a value to multiply the sidescan intensity with when displaying on top of mesh

set_ray_tracing_enabled(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper, arg0: bool) → None

Set if ray tracing through water layers should be enabled. Takes more time but is recommended if there are large speed differences

set_sidescan_port_stbd_offsets(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[3, 1]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[float64[3, 1]]) → None

Set offsets of sidescan port and stbd sides with respect to nav frame

set_sidescan_yaw(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set yaw correction of sidescan with respect to nav frame

set_tracing_map_size(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.BaseDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set size of slice of map where we do ray tracing. Smaller makes it faster but you might cut off valid sidescan angles

class auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper

Base class for draping sidescan pings onto a bathymetry mesh

add_texture_intensities(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, 1]]) → None

Add the intensities of draping result hits and intensities

get_texture_image(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper) → numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]

Get the texture image, defined within bounds, with resolution of 1m

set_callback(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: Callable[[auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result, auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result], None], arg1: int) → None

Set the function to be called when one ping has been draped

set_intensity_multiplier(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set a value to multiply the sidescan intensity with when displaying on top of mesh

set_ray_tracing_enabled(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: bool) → None

Set if ray tracing through water layers should be enabled. Takes more time but is recommended if there are large speed differences

set_rgb_texture(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg2: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg3: numpy.ndarray[float64[2, 2]]) → None

Set a new texture to color the mesh, each RGB channel provided separately

set_sidescan_port_stbd_offsets(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[3, 1]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[float64[3, 1]]) → None

Set offsets of sidescan port and stbd sides with respect to nav frame

set_sidescan_yaw(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set yaw correction of sidescan with respect to nav frame

set_tracing_map_size(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set size of slice of map where we do ray tracing. Smaller makes it faster but you might cut off valid sidescan angles

set_vehicle_mesh(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[int32[m, n]], arg2: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]) → None

Provide the viewer with a vehicle model, purely for visualization

show(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ViewDraper) → None

Start the draping, and show the visualizer

auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.color_jet_from_mesh(arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]) → numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]

Get a jet color scheme from a vertex matrix

auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.compute_bin_intensities(arg0: auvlib.data_tools.std_data.sss_ping_side, arg1: int) → numpy.ndarray[float64[m, 1]]

Dowsample the intensities of a ping to a vector of a desired length

auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.drape_viewer(arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[int32[m, n]], arg2: numpy.ndarray[float64[2, 2]], arg3: List[auvlib.data_tools.std_data.sss_ping], arg4: List[csv_data::csv_asvp_sound_speed], arg5: float) → None

Draping only for visualization, with no data being produced

auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.get_vehicle_mesh() → Tuple[numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], numpy.ndarray[int32[m, n]], numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]]

Get vertices, faces, and colors for vehicle

class auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result

Class for representing the intermediate result from draping on sidescan ping side


Ping time index of the hits


Downsampledintensities from sidescan


3D positions of hits, see hits_inds for corresponding sidescan index

static read_data(arg0: unicode) → List[Tuple[auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result, auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result]]

Read ping_draping_result::ResultsT from .cereal file


Origin of sensor when capturing ping


Model intensities corresponding to the real intensities


Normals corresponding to the ping intensities


Depths corresponding to the ping intensities

auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.write_data(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. write_data(arg0: List[Tuple[auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result, auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result]], arg1: unicode) -> None

Write ping_draping_result::ResultsT to .cereal file

  1. write_data(arg0: auvlib.bathy_maps.base_draper.ping_draping_result, arg1: unicode) -> None

Write ping_draping_result to .cereal file