
Functions for draping a mesh with sidescan data

class auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper

Base class for draping sidescan pings onto a particular point of a bathymetry mesh

get_patch_views(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper) → List[auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views]

Get all the sss_patch_views::PatchesT that have been gathered so far

set_patch_callback(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper, arg0: Callable[[auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views], None]) → None

Set the function to be called when all views of a patch have been assembled

set_ray_tracing_enabled(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper, arg0: bool) → None

Set if ray tracing through water layers should be enabled. Takes more time but is recommended if there are large speed differences

set_sidescan_port_stbd_offsets(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[3, 1]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[float64[3, 1]]) → None

Set offsets of sidescan port and stbd sides with respect to nav frame

set_sidescan_yaw(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set yaw correction of sidescan with respect to nav frame

set_tracing_map_size(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper, arg0: float) → None

Set size of slice of map where we do ray tracing. Smaller makes it faster but you might cut off valid sidescan angles

set_vehicle_mesh(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper, arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[int32[m, n]], arg2: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]) → None

Provide the viewer with a vehicle model, purely for visualization

show(self: auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.PatchDraper) → None

Start the draping, and show the visualizer

auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.color_jet_from_mesh(arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]) → numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]

Get a jet color scheme from a vertex matrix

auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.drape_patches(arg0: numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[int32[m, n]], arg2: numpy.ndarray[float64[2, 2]], arg3: List[auvlib.data_tools.std_data.sss_ping], arg4: List[auvlib.data_tools.csv_data.csv_asvp_sound_speed], arg5: float, arg6: Callable[[auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views], None]) → List[auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views]

Overlay std_data::sss_ping::PingsT sidescan data on a mesh and get sss_patch_views::ViewsT

auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.get_vehicle_mesh() → Tuple[numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]], numpy.ndarray[int32[m, n]], numpy.ndarray[float64[m, n]]]

Get vertices, faces, and colors for vehicle

class auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views

Class for sidescan views of a patch from different survey lines




Origin of patch in map coordinates


Size of the patch


Directions of views (yaw)


Positions of views

static read_data(arg0: unicode) → List[auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views]

Read sss_patch_views::ViewsT from .cereal file


Sidescan views of patch

auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.write_data(arg0: List[auvlib.bathy_maps.patch_draper.sss_patch_views], arg1: unicode) → None

Write sss_patch_views::ViewsT to .cereal file